
Stone language: What does falling lengths mean?

When you look at limestone and marble, and is to choose the format you might stumble upon the concept falling lengths. An unknown concept for most people until then, if you do not happen to be a stonemason. What does falling lengths really mean?

A classic way to lay floors

Falling lengths is a classic way to lay floors, where the stone slabs have the same width but varying (=falling) lengths. This simply means that the floor tiles or wall tiles of limestone or marble have the same width but different lengths. Many stone floors are laid with this technology, but it is usually not something you think about before you take a closer look. It becomes a beautiful result and a harmonious overall feeling when the tiles vary slightly in length.

You choose the width of the slabs - the length varies

The width of the stone slabs are normally between 20 to 30 centimeters and the length varies between 40 to 80 centimeters. Thus if the format is 30 cm falling, it implicates that the width is 30 cm and the length of the slabs are for an example 45 cm, 64 cm and 78 cm. There is no planed distribution of the different lengths in the orders we deliver, the packing happens randomly and guarantees a good spread of length.

Here you can see a sketch of paving with 30 centimeters falling lengths. It works the same on the wall as on the floor and is excellent for limestone and marble in bathrooms, hallways or kitchens.

Falling lengths minimize the spillage

When laying floor or tiling limestone and marble with falling lengths, the spill is minimized, as all lengths and all materials can be used. Even at the quarry, when the stone is processed and cut, they can use as much as possible of a boulder when taking out falling lengths. In the picture you can see what it looks like when one of our customers lay floors our Lindanäs brushed in falling lengths. With falling lengths, the floor gets a really classic look and the brushed surface gives a rustic feeling.

Tips for floors! Falling lengths give life to the floor that is laid. If you want to further strengthen that variation, you can also mix different widths of the tiles. It gives a fantastic result!