At home with

In Aino and Valdemar's apartment

Describe each other!

Valdemar Fredriksson, 31, personal trainer and health entrepreneur. He has got two passions, food and exercise. Early mornings are no problem as well as spending half a day searching for food. 

Aino Jawo, 34, musician. As the true Cancer she is, she loves to take care of her home. Sorting, listening to podcasts or reading a book are some things she likes to do, unless nature or sauna is offered. The Finnish vein is hitting hard.

Why did you renovate? 

It was about time. We had previously renovated Aino's apartment - which was a success! It not only strengthened the relationship, it gave Valdemar a little "feeling". Now it was time to renovate his old gem below Nytorget. 

Which choices and obstacles did you come across during the renovation? 

That a renovation does not mean that it is possible to start renovating immediately. Renovating while Covid-19 was ravaging meant constantly empty warehouses and long delivery times. This probably applied to everything except Östersjösten which arrived within 3 days.

What mattered to you regarding materials? Why did you choose Alevik honed for the floor? 

We love nature, so choosing natural materials came quite naturally. We love that the expression in the stone is very elegant and harmonious.
- When Deniz described Alevik honed as "Nordic Mediterranean" I was sold, says Valdemar. 

If you could give a tip to future renovators, what would it be?

Work out the material choices before you start tearing! At least then you know what to order.